Simplicity 2314
Material used is cotton. View C
The plaid turned out to not be super hard to match up, and since this was my first time working with plaids I feel I did an awesome job.I had to adjust the waistband due to swayback- I made 4 darts which were barely visible, and covered them with the belt loops. I made a size 18.Which was a little to big I took in all sides and made a soft gather around to make it fit. I added width to the waistband-I'm not sure how much I added as I just cut a certain width and went with it. I cut off a bit to hem it. The skirts was mid calf length.
I'm not sure If I would make it again. I have an apple body type and I don't feel like this type of skirt is flattering . I also seemed to take a long time to make.

Matching stripes (hunches shoulders)!!
